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Permanent Revolution Polemics
Tatlin's Tower - Monument to the Third International        PERMANENT REVOLUTION
 P O L E M I C S
 To Know a Thing is To Know its End: On Why Utopia is Crucial to a Revival of Socialist Consciousness (May, 2003)
 Utopia and Revolution (May, 2003)
 The Dialectical Path of Cognition and Revolutionizing Practice (March, 2004)
 Objectivism or Marxism (May, 2006)
 Marxism, History and Socialist Consciousness (June, 2006)
 Marxism Without its Head or its Heart (Sept-Dec, 2007)
 The Vulgar critique of Vulgar Materialism (April, 2008)
 The WSWS resorts to a smear campaign (Nov. 9, 2008)
 The WSWS resorts to a smear campaign (Nov. 9, 2008) PDF version
 NEW:  Shallow Moralizing instead of Marxism (Dec. 24,2008)
 NEW:  Shallow Moralizing instead of Marxism (Dec. 24,2008) PDF version
 NEW:  Sterile flowers, poisonous weeds and a political smokescreen (Jan. 11, 2009)
 NEW:  Sterile flowers, poisonous weeds and a political smokescreen (Jan. 11, 2009) PDF version
 NEW:  On the WSWS's "curious fumble" on Iraq and other matters (March 9, 2009) PDF VERSION
 NEW:  On the WSWS's "curious fumble" on Iraq and other matters (March 9, 2009)
 NEW in Spanish:  Sobre la " curiosa torpeza " del WSWS en Iraq y otros asuntos (April 3, 2009) PDF
 NEW in Spanish:  Sobre la " curiosa torpeza " del WSWS en Iraq y otros asuntos (April 3, 2009) HTML
 NEW in German:  Die "merkwürdige Verirrung" der WSWS beim Irak-Krieg und anderen Angelegenheiten (March 31, 2009) PDF
 NEW in German:  Die "merkwürdige Verirrung" der WSWS beim Irak-Krieg und anderen Angelegenheiten (March 31, 2009) HTML
 NEW: The PSG and the European Union elections (June 24, 2009) PDF
 NEW: The PSG and the European Union elections (June 24, 2009) HTML
 NEW in German: Die PSG und die Europawahl (July 10, 2009) PDF
 NEW in German: Die PSG und die Europawahl (July 10, 2009) HTML
 NEW The deadweight of sectarianism (Oct. 21, 2009) PDF
 NEW The deadweight of sectarianism (Oct. 21, 2009) HTML
 Auf Deutsch: Der Ballast des Sektierertums (Nov. 1, 2009)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 1 (Nov. 26, 2009)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 2 (Dec. 5, 2009)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 3 (Dec. 12, 2009)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 4 (Dec. 24, 2009)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 5 (Jan. 16, 2010)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 6 (Jan. 25, 2010)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Chapter 7 (Jan. 28, 2010)
 Important new document: The Downward Spiral of the International Committee of the Fourth International: Conclusion (Feb.21, 2010)
  Español: Entre el marxismo sin filo y la dialéctica revolucionaria (Feb 27, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 1 (March 14, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 2 (March 27, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 3 (March 28, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 4 (April 17, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 5 (May 9, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 6 (May 22, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Capítulo 7 (May 31, 2010)
  Español: Espiral descendente del Comité Internacional de la IV Internacional - Conclusión (June 27, 2010)
  The "first regular National Congress" of the SEP: Distorting the history of the International Committee (Sept 11, 2010)



Marxism Without its Head or its Heart:

A Reply to David North

To the members and supporters of the International Committee of the Fourth
For three years we tried to engage the leadership of the ICFI in a discussion over grave concerns we had about the theoretical and political orientation of the movement. Finally David North responded to our documents with his Marxism, History and Socialist Consciousness. It isn’t empty rhetoric on our parts to say that we would have welcomed being proven wrong. This would have demonstrated the basic political health of the IC, to say nothing of sparing us the thankless task of pursuing this polemic any further. Instead,
North has produced a dreadful piece of work that only confirms in a striking manner all the concerns we have raised. It is a document that is rife with misrepresentations and evasions, it compounds serious political errors of judgment by stridently refusing to
acknowledge them ...

Otto Dix, Trench Warfare, 1932

Otto Dix, Trench Warfare, 1932

Street demonstration, Petrograd, 18 June 1917. The banner in the foreground reads Down With The 10 Capitalist Ministers, All Power To The Soviets Of Workers', Soldiers', And Peasants' Deputies, And To The Socialist Ministers, We Demand That Nicholas II Be Transfered To The Peter-Paul Fortress.

Street demonstration, Petrograd, 18 June 1917. The banner in the foreground reads Down With The 10 Capitalist Ministers, All Power To The Soviets Of Workers', Soldiers', And Peasants' Deputies, And To The Socialist Ministers, We Demand That Nicholas II Be Transfered To The Peter-Paul Fortress.

 Marxism Without its Head or its Heart
 Chapter 1 - Rationalizing Objectivism and Abandoning Marxism
 Chapter 2 - The WSWS as a Left Apologist for Bourgeois Nationalism in Iraq
 Chapter 3 - Their Science and Ours
 Chapter 4 - The Long Road Back to Pragmatism
 Chapter 5 - Abandoning the Struggle for Socialist Consciousness in the Working Class
 Chapter 6 - The Real Dialectic of the Enlightenment
 Chapter 7 - Objectivism and Socialist Consciousness - Part 1
 Chapter 8 - Objectivism and Socialist Consciousness - Part 2
 Chapter 9 - Remarks on Bernstein, 'Neo-Utopianism' and Political Amalgams
 Chapter 10 - Mass Psychology and Marxism
 Chapter 11 - Conclusion
 Afterword - A Letter from David North
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